1.She wishes that we didn't send her the candy yesterday because she's on a diet.
                                                                     B                                 C                   D
pembahasan:should be hadn't sent. A past wish must be followed by the past perfect.

2.They are planning on attending the convention next month,and so I am.
                             A                 B                                            C                         
pembahasan:should be so am I.For affirmative agreement use so+auxiliary+subject.
3.Today was such beautiful day that I couldn't bring myself to complate all my chores.
                                 A                                                                  B              C                       D
pembahasan:should be such a beautiful.Cause and effect:such+a+adjective+singular count noun.

4.While they were away at the beach,they allowed their neighbors use their barbeque grill.
      A                 B                                                                        C           D
pembahasan:should be to use.Allow+indirect+infinitive

5.The artist tried stimulate interest in painting by taking his students to the museums.
                                   A               B                                        C                               D
pembahasan:should be to stimulate.Use try+infinitive.

6.Mumps are a very common disease which usually affects children.
                    A                          B                       C      D
pembahasan:should be is.Mumps is a non- count noun.

7.Nancy said that she went to the cupermarket before coming gome.
                        A             B        C                                            D
pembahasan:should be had gone.The past perfect is necessary to show that this action(going to the supermarket)occurred before the other action(coming home)

8.Before she moved here,Arlene had been president of the organization since four years.
       A                                                               B                        C                               D
pembahasan:should be for.Use for+duration of time.

9.Each of the nurses report to the operating room when his or her name is called.
                 A                     B                                                                       C                    D
pembahasan:should be reports.Each+singular verb.

10.The athlete,together with his coach and several relatives,are traveling to the Olympic 
               A                             B           C                                               D
pembahasan:should be is.Athlete is the subject and is singular.

11.Professor Duncan teaches both anthrophology as well as sociology each fall.
                                       A         B            C                                                   D
pembahasan:should be ∅.Both and as well as are redundant if they are used togather;use either both.......and or as well as alone.

12.My brother is in California on vacation,but I wish he was here so that he could help me 
                               A                      B                                              C                                                     D
repair mycar.

pembahasan:should be were.This is a present wish .The verb be must be in the plural past tense form in a present wish because it is contrary to fact.

13.I certainly appreciate him telling us about the delay in delivering the materials because we 
              A                               B            C                                                D
had planned to begin work tomorrow.
pembahasan:should be his.Possessive forms must be used before a gerund.

14.The chemistry instructor explained the experiment in such of a way that it was easily 
                                                                                                    A             B                         C         D
pembahasan:   should be such a way.Cause and effect:such+a+singular count noun.
15.Rudolph Nureyev has become one of the greatest dancer that the ballet world has ever 
                                                A                                    B            C                                                    D
pembahasan:should be dancers.After one of the there must be a plural noun.   

Thank for reading TRIK JITU MENGERJAKAN SOAL TOEFL in my blog.


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IELTS Writing Task 1 - Table (Material, Sample Writing and Exercise)


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