The first Amendment to the American Constitution delcares freedom of the press to the all people.Although this right was not officially adopted until 1791,the famous Zenger trial of 1733 laid the ground work for insuring this precious freedom.
        John Peter Zenger emigrated as a teenager from Germany.In 1733,he began publishing the New York Weekly Journal.The following year,he was arrested for writing a story about the crown-appointed  governor of New York.While Zenger was imprisoned for nine months,his wife dutifully published the newspaper every day,bravely telling the truth about the corrupt government officials sent by the king to govern the colonies.
        Finally Zenger's long-awaited trial took place,the hostile judge dismissed Zenger's local lawyers,making it necessary for his wife to seek out Andrew Hamilton,a prominent Philadelphia lawyer.Persuaded by Hamilton the jury bravely returned a not-guilty verdict,defying the judge's orders for a conviction.
        As a result of determination and bravery on the part of the colonists,a lasting victory for freedom of the press was hained by a young immigrant.
1.John Peter Zenger was a
a.corrupt governor of New York
b.famous lawyer
c.brave newspaper publisher
d.hostile judge
pembahasan:Paragraph 2 tells us that he published the New York Weekly Journal,a newspaper his wife continued to publish while he was imprisined

2.What political problem existed in the colonies at that time?
a.Government officials were corrupt
b.Newspapers exaggerated the truth about the political officials
c.Lawyers were hostile to witnesses
d.All newspaper publishers were imprisoned.
pembahasan:Paragraph 2,last sentence,specifically speaks of"corrupt government officials."

3.How long did it take after the Zenger trial before the concept of freedom of the press was officially adopted?
a.9 months
b.1 year
c.56 years
d.58 years
pembahasan:Paragraph 1,last sentence,says that the right(freedom of the press)was adopted in 1791 and that the Zenger trial was in 1735.1791-1735=56

4.All of the following are true except
a.despite Zenger's imprisonment,his newspaper continued to be published
b.Andrew Hamilton encouraged the jury to fight for freedom
c.the jury obeyed the judge's orders and convicted Zenger
d.the king controlled the colonies through his own appointed rulers
pembahasan:You are asked for the one choice that is not true.Choice(A)is true.It is mentioned in paragraph 2.Choice(B)is true.We are told that the jury was"persuaded"by Hamilton.And it should be obvious that they were fighting"for freedom"because the entire reading concerns freedom of the press.
Choice(D)is true.We are told in paragraph 2 that the king sent corrupt"officials"to gorvern the colonies."
5.Why was Peter Zenger arrested?
a.He emigrated from Germany
b.His wife published his newspaper for him
c.He wrote a story about the governor of New York
d.He persuaded a jury to defy the judge's orders
pembahasan:Paragraph 2,sentence 3,specifically states states that he was arrested for "writing a story about the crown-appointed governor of New York."

6.It can be inferred-that the judge was hostile toward Peter Zenger because the judge
a.represented the ideas of the king
b.hated newspaper publishers
c.didn't like interference with the Constitution
d.had appointed the governor about whom Zenger wrote
pembahasan:Choice(A) is the answer because the governor was crown appointed,and if the judge wanted to stay in office,he would represent the king .Choice(B)is incorrect because it was not mentioned in the passage.Choice(C)is in correct because the Constitution was adopted 56 years after the trial.Choice(D)is incorrect because the governor is described as "crown appointed."Choices(C)and(D)are tricky because of the facts(C)and the vocabulary"crown appointed"(D).

7.The word"defying"in line 18 is closest in meaning to
pembahasan:Substitute the answer choices for"defying"in the sentence.
"Disregarding"is closest in meaning to"defying".If you are not familiar with the word"defying",you can infer that it means"disregarding"because the passage says the judge ordered a guilty verdict,but the jury found the Zenger not guilty.
8.In line 11,the word"dutifully"is closest in meaning to
pembahasan:Zenger's wife continued to publish the newspaper every day,including articles about corrupt government officials,which was the very act that landed her husband in prison.That context should tell you that"dutifully"is closest in meaning to"faithfully."
9.The main idea of this passage is
a.Andrew Hamilton gave Americans freedom of the press
b.Peter Zanger's persistent fight paved the way for freedom of the press
c.judges don't always get juries to agree with them
d.Peter Zenger's trial prepared the way for jurors to defy judges' orders
pembahasan:The passage is about Peter Zenger and the right to publish information freely,so look for those key words and ideas.Andrew Hamilton played an important role in the trial;however,he did not give Americans freedom of the press,so answer choice(A)is not correct.Choice(C)and(D) focus on law rather than publishing,so they can be eliminated.

10.The passage indicates that the governor was appointed by the monarch of another country in lines.
pembasan:Line 9 specifically states that the governor was"crown appointed,"which means he was appointed by a monarch.

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