1.Our new neighbours had been living in Arizona since ten years before moving to their present house.
         A                                      B                                C                              D
pembahasan:sshould be for.Use for+duration of time.

2.I would of attended the meeting of the planning committee last week,but I had to deliver a speech   
             A                                                   B                                                                 C
at the convention.
pembahasan:should be would have.The conditional perfect uses would+have+(verb in past participle).Would of is never correct.

3.We are suppose to erad all of chapter seven and answer the questions for tomorrow's class.
                                              B                                  C                                             D
pembahasan:should be supposed to.Use be+supposed to(means should).

4.The explanation that our instructor gave us was different than the one yours gave you.
                                       A                        B                             C                            D
pembahasan:should be from.Always use different from.

5.In the sixteenth century,Spain became involved in foreign wars with several other European countries 
                A                                                        B                                            C
and could not find the means of finance the battles that ensued.
pembahasan:should be of financing.The noun means requires the preposition of+(verb+ing)

6.Neither of the girls have turned in the term papers to the instructor yet.
                              A                                                   C                      D
pembahasan:should be has.Neither must be followed by a singular berb.

7.After studying all the new materials,the students was able to rise his test score by twenty-five point.
              A                   B                                                     C         D
pembahasan:should be raise.Use raise+complement(his test score is the complement).Rise does not take a complement.

8.The book that you see laying on the table belongs to the teacher.
                      A           B     C                             D
pembahasan:should be lying.Use lay+complement.There is no complement in this sentence,so the verb lie,not lay,is required.

9.I suggest that he goes to the doctor as soon as he returns from taking the exam.
                     A          B             C                                         D
pembahasan:should be go.The correct subjunctive form is suggest that+(verb in simple form).

10.She is looking forward to go to Europe after she finishes her studies at the university.
                     A                         B                                        C                         D
pembahasan:should be going.Look forward to+(verb+ing).

11.They said that the man jumped off of the bridge and plunged into the freezing water.
                        A                     B           C                                    D
pembahasan:should be ∅.The preposition of is not necessary after the preposition off.

12.Mr.Anderson used to jogging in the crisp morning air during the winter months,but now he has 
                                                                     B                    C                   D
pembahasan:should be jog.Correct usage is used to+(verb in simple form)(Mr..Anderson used to jog.....)or be used to+(verb+ing)(Mr.Anderson was used to joging......)

13.The volume four of our encyclopedia set has been missing for two months.
               A                      B                                           C             D
pembahasan:should be volume.Use noun+cardinal number or the+ordinal number+noun.It is correct to say volume four or the fourth volume.

14.I do not know where could he have gone to early in the morning.
                                                   A           B      C          D
pembahasan:should be he could have.This is an embedded question:question word+subject+verb.

15.The people tried of defending their village,but they were finally forced to retreat.
                                             A         B                                                      C            D
pembahasan:should be to defend.Use try+infinitive.

toefl preparation guide
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