Let's start this morning with an exercise on Writing Task 1 with a line graph as an example.

Author's note: I used to have a graphic illustration for this writing. But it turns out that neither using such image nor providing a url directing to it is considered as fair use, and I really want to make this blog as legal as possible, and to avoid having problems with copyright infringement. Please use the keyword of each first sentence of my writing to find the illustration from the website of the legal copyright holder.

The line graph describes men’s and women’s reading habit at Burnaby Public Library indicated by the number of book being read in four year period starting from 2011 until 2014. In general, there are two different trend depicted by the data, which are stable and fluctuating trends.
The reading habit of male readers started from the lowest point in 2011 in which they only read approximately 3000 books, while female readers had more books to read of approximately 5000 books. In 2012, men’s number of books increased slightly and reached approximately 3500 books. Women’s number of books increased more significantly and reached 8000 books in 2012. In 2013, men’s number of books dramatically rose and reached approximately 10.000 books, while women’s reading habit also rose 10.0000 books in the same year. The year of 2014 was a period when men’s reading habit reached its peak point, accounting for 14.000 books. On the other hand, women’s reading habit showed a contrary trend for it decreased to a lower point of about 8000 books.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that reading habit of men and women at Burnaby Public Library always changed during the four year period, whether it decrease or increase.

Note that this is a simple sample of line graph. In some cases, you may have a more complex line graph with combined data and everything. For now, we start with the simplest one, and perhaps we can have a more sophisticated line graph combined with another type of data.



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