
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2020




1.Man:You're so late.I thought you'd never get here.    Woman:My car broke down on the highway,and I had to walk.    Third voice:Why does the woman say she had to walk?     a.Something h.apened to her car.    b.She was broke and couldn't afford the bus.    c.She got up too late to catch the bus.    d.Her car got stuck in the driveway 2.Man:We missed you at Dale's party last night.    Woman:I'm not going to any celebrations with that group because they're so tightly knit that      they brush everyone else off.    Third voice:Why does the woman say she didn't attend Dale's party?    a.She doesn't like other people brushing her clothes    b.She doesn't like to drink    c.She doesn't like to knit     d.She doesn't like being snubbed at a party. 3.Woman:Bill,are you still planning to buy that nice red sports car you looked at last week?    Man:I'm afraid that's impossible because I haven't been able to come up with the cash,and   

IELTS Speaking Section Part 1, 2 and 3 - Transport

Motorcycle -artwork by IELTS Speaking Section Part 1 - Talking about Familiar Topics Transport How do you get here today? I got here riding a motorcycle. I  always try to avoid the traffic as much as I possibly can, so, motorcycle is definitely the best choice of transport. Do you often use public transport? Not so often. I use public transport only when I have to travel long distance. For example, if I had to go to Jakarta for a business trip, I usually take the train or the plane. For everyday transport, I always ride motorcycle, like many Indonesians. How often do you take buses? Once a month. I take a bus to go to my hometown, because I visit my parents there regularly. It is a three-hour journey by bus. Actually, it is faster and more convenient to go to my hometown by train, but train schedule is not as flexible as that of buses. Do you think people will drive more in the future? With the rapid development of public transport and the emergence of private ride haili


       Laies and gentlemen,please move in a little closer as we begin our tour this afternoon.Today you will enjoy the largest collection of Salvador Dali's works under one roof.They include several hundred oil paintings,drawings,and watercolors,more than a thousand graphics,and a variety of sculptures as well as jewelry.As you will see,Dali was multitalented.He designed furniture,created exquisite works with fine jewels,and concocted perfumes with tantalizing aromas.He developed his talents over a span of six decades,leaving an indelible imprint on the world of art.          Here we see some of his early paintings,mostly landscape of the town of his birth-Figueras in Catalonia,Spain-and the seascapes of a neighboring town called Cadaques.While these represent a more traditional art form,it was at this time that Dali's controversial career began.He was expelled from a prestigious art school in Madrid because he disagreed with his professors on attention.At the age of twenty-one


1.Crazy Horse is generally recognized for his courageous and                                                       A                                         B   skill ,and he was revered by the Sioux as their greatest leader.                                           C                                    D Jawab :(B)courageous and skill Key word :his Pembahasan :courageous➠courage and skill Dua kata yang berbeda jenis kelas kata nya tidak bisa dihubungkan dengan penghubung dan kecuali setara jenis kelas kata nya.Maka courageous (adjective) diubah menjadi courage (noun)sehingga memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan akill(noun). 2.In medicine, certain plastics have important uses because they                                        A                                               B                         do not affected by chemicals in the body,and they do not harm the           C                                                                         D body. Jawab :(C)do not affected




1.We can..........others much better if we put what we have learned at a university into practice. b.helps c.helped d.would help Kalimat ini Conditional tipe I yang mrnggunakan bentuk present.Dengan adanya modal can maka kata kerja yang menyertainya berupa infinitive-yaitu help. 2.If their goals............too high for them,the young person may have to change it to be working in a related field. b.are c.were d.was Kalimat ini Conditional tipe I yang menggunakan bentuk present.Maka,kata kerja yang sesuai untuk subject their goals adalah are. 3.If it were,the rate of suicide..........incredibly high. a.will be b.would be c.would have been d.had been Kata were menunjukkan bahwa kalimat ini menggunakan Tipe II yang mengacu pada kejadian sekarang namun menggunakan bentuk lampau karena kejadian yang dimaksud tidak mungkin terjadi.Maka,main clause menggunakan kata kerja will be. 4.If you don't succed,you............again. a.had tried b.would try c.would have tried d.try


  Directions     In Parts c,you will hear several talks.After each talk,you will be asked some questions.The talks and quesstionss will be spoken just one time.They will not be written out for you,so you will have to listen carefully in order to understand and remember what the speaker says.     When you hear a question,read the four possible answers in your test book and decide which one would be the best answers to the question you have heard.Then,on your answer sheet,find the number of the problem and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.    Mr.Davis,I've just finished reading your x-rays,and I would like to discuss them with you.You have osteoarthritis in the middle of your back and scoliosis,which is a curvature of the spine.I can also feel the muscle spasms and pinched nerves from your shoulders to the base of your spine.While this may sound terrible to you,it is not lie-threatening,nor is it something to worry about.At preset,there i


Part B        In part B,you will hear longer conversations.After each conversation,you will be asked some questions.The conversations and questions will be spoken just one time.They will not be written out for you,so you will have to listen carefully in order to understand and remember what the speaker says.     When you hear a question,read the four possible answers in your test book and decide which one would be the best answer sheet,find the number of the problem and fill in space that corresponds to the letter of answer you have chosen. Man :Did you see that TV program last night about the sky diver whose parachutes didn't open after he had jumped from his plane? Woman :No,I didn't.Did he die? Man :No,It's really unbelievable how he could have survived such free fall,much less live to tell about iton television! Wan :What happened? Man :Neither of his chutes opened as he plummeted to the ground.When they found him,they thought he was dead.Doctors said he'd never wal


1.Man:What's in that bag over there?    Woman:I bought some apples,peaches,pears,and grapes.    Third voice:What is the woman talking about?    a.Vegetables    b.Fruit    c.Meat    d.Cookies 2.Woman:Where did Joe and Nancy go for their honeymoon?    Man:They were going to go to Puerto Rico,but they couldn't afford               it,so they went to St.Augustine instead for one week.    Third voice:What does the man say about the couple's honeymoon?    a.They couldn't afford a honeymoon.    b.They went to Puerto Rico.    c.They went to St. Augustine     d.They are still planning on going to Puerto Rico 3.Woman:Did you know that the hot dog did not originate in the United States but in Germany?     Man:Yes,and they've even had something similar to it in Finland.It's made out of reindeer meat.     Third voice:Which of the following is not true about the hot dog?     a.The fist hot dog came from Germany.     b.Hot dogs originated in the United States     c.Some hot d